Here is a pin up i did over the weekend for the comic strip America Jr. Its a great read and the art is awesome, check it out online. This pin up should be appearing next wekend
I have been itching to work on another Zombie Sama! project so yesterday I began writing a script for a sequel. In between lines I decided to draw up a new design for JIM, check it out!
Just purchased tickets to Dane Cooks stand up at Madison square garden on nov 12th and watched vicious circle for the umpteenth time so i figured id start my day off with a dane cook sketch and the SUFI (if you dont know what that is google it)
when im drawing a project and i have to stick to one particular style, sometimes i like to just sketch something completely different to cut loose. heres one of those times.
Here is my first official (as in someone who is not a family member or close personal friend hahah), Patrick purchasing the cover to Zombie Sama! Thank you to Patrick as well as everyone else who came by the booth in Baltimore, I had a great time and hope to see you all again!
here is the first page to a new project i am starting. The title of the book is called Synergy and it is writen by Michael Avon Oeming. I will be keeping everyone posted as the progress of the book unfolds, so in other words: More to come!
Had a great time this weekend at the FOO (friends of Oeming) booth at the Baltimore Comicon. Did quite a few commissions and sold a bunch of original art as well as had a blast with the FOO CREW! Here are a few pictures of the fun time we had. Thanks again to Mike Oeming for hooking this up!
First up we have the RUN DMC pose. Mike, myself, Brian Quinn and Scott Wegner. A couple shots of the FOO booth and a commision sketch of the black canary. next myself and Tommy Castillo, aka "the man" and finally me and oeming being "gangsta"
here si the finished product for a project i just finished. it is a movie poster for an independent film called Car Trouble. The color was not done by me so I cannot take credit for it. Everything else however, me!
here is a comission sketch from Wizard World Philly. Had a great time between Oeming and Mack breakdancing and the Tom Cruise impersonations to my first on cam interview to the free booth (thanks Billy). Oh yea the sketch is Invincible, great goddamn book, pick it up.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
ughhhhh, ive been working the past 2 weeks for my brother's electrical company. Im a temporary electrician! hahaha anyway, im in between projects and one of his workers got hurt so I agreed to fill in. Meanwhile i havent had a chance to sketch a damn thing, so heres a reallyyyyyy fast, really quick sketch of a manga character called Naruto. I dont follow manga at all but it was a monday fun sketch on Oeming's message board at jinxworld so i decided to give it a shot.
heres a lil poster/sequential page of an idea i've been trying to flash out over the past week. I've always wanted to do something with knights and the Crusades, just trying to find an original approach. in the meantime here is some art.
COULDNT SLEEP LASTNIGHT SO I DECIDED TO DRAW CHARACTERS FROM SOME OF MY FAV BOOKS. First up we have two sets of Oeming characters: Powers (done solely with brush) and Modi (colored pencil, duh) Next up we have Hellboy (marker pen) and The Goon (brush & blue pencil).
Next batch coming soon: Tom Strong, Bone, Madman and the Green Lantern.
Here is a sketch i drew today for the special edition of Zombie sama! The special edition will have 8 extra pages which will include development art and script that was cut from the final 48 page book.
im going to start a pin up collection cause boredom is setting in, yea thats all there is to it. its 11:00pm and im boredddd so heres the first one. i call this one "blonde sewing"
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
practicing som e new techniques, using a thin marker pen to outline and a brush to add depth
Zombie Sama! did very well at the NY COMICON this weekend. Billy and I want to thank everyone who came by the booth for a poster and sketch. We completely ran out of over 500 posters so I am glad everyone liked what they saw. The book will be on shelves in 2 weeks, hope you like it. If you did not get a free zombie sketch like the one to the left then come down to the next con that Billy and myself will be at. Keep checking back here to find out what Con that may be (Pittsburgh I believe is the next one but don't qoute me haha).
heres a couple scribbles from my sketch book, my detective character: hes a real bad ass but is an absolute sucker for the ladies . both pictures done with marker pens
zombie sama part 2? hey every zombie flick needs a sequel. who knows, we may get to it one day, but first Tucci and I have a couple more projects to work on, but i thought i'd have alittle fun with the idea
ok I dont know about anyone else but im a huge superman fan and i've been really excited for months now about the new movie comin out so i started drawing up supes like crazy, i got a little too nuts and bought season one of Lois&Clark on dvd (im still trying to get my money back) but it did give me an idea for this next pic after i saw a poster of teri hatcher wrapped in supermans cape.