Had a great time in Baltimore this weekend. I want to thank everyone for coming over to the booth and checking out my work. Here are some con sketches and original art I prepared for the show. as well as a pair of charity sketch cards for the American Cancer Society. The sketch cards will go on auction on ebay through Blue line Art along with a ton from great artists so keep a look out for them. Enjoy! The first peice shown is an original painting I did for zombie sama! Prints for this are coming soon.

Next up we have a Po

wer girl commission followed by a golden age Ir

Next up we have a Mice Templar sketch. If you haven't picked up this book go get it now! Its the latest from Bryan Glass and Mike Avon Oeming and it kicks ass. By far my comic book pic of the month! Next up Gwen Stacy

commission . And Last but not least the auction peices for the Cancer Society. Again keep an eye out for that, it's for a great cause. I'll post more info for it as ssoon as I find out more.